Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Flower Songs

I love this time of the year. So easy to come up with themed sessions. The end of the week is May! May songs, Kentucky Derby, Mother's Day, Cinco de Mayo, Memorial Day. As well as throwing in other topics such as Ladies Name Songs, May the 4th (Movie Themes), Flowers, and National Nursing Home Week or Older Adult Month, etc.

Today, I'm sharing my favorite Flower Songs that I'm sharing with my groups today.

  1. Red Roses for a Blue Lady
  2. Daisy Bell (Bicycle Built for Two)
  3. Springtime in the Rockies
  4. A White Sportcoat and a Pink Carnation
  5. Jeannine, I Dream of Lilac Time
  6. Moonlight and Roses
  7. Apple Blossom Time
  8. In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree
  9. Red, Red Robin Comes Bob, Bob, Bobbin' Along
  10. Yellow Rose of Texas
  11. When You Wore a Tulip
  12. Sweet Violets
  13. Edelweiss
  14. Sunflower
  15. April Showers
  16. Tip-toe Thru the Tulips
  17. Carolina in the Morning
  18. Sweet Adeline
  19. I'm Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover
  20. My Wild Irish Rose
Endless topics for discussion and sensory stimulation. What a great opportunity to bring in flowers!
Flower patterned scarves, colorful instruments, stretchy bands, parachutes could all lend to the success of a flower session.  

1 comment:

  1. Not to mention ROSES!! There are plenty of songs just to do a nice session on roses. Second Hand Rose, Mexicali Rose, San Antonio Rose, etc.
