Originally a book released in 1957, it was also released as a movie on March 31, 1960, "Please Don't Eat the Daisies." Doris Day stars as a mother of four boys forced to move from a small apartment into a fixer-upper. The movie was a successful venture, which spun off as a television series spanning two seasons and 58 episodes. Although, Doris Day did not star in the television series, she is remembered fondly for the hit song.
This little tune holds up as a great Spring intervention, having a good mix of lyrics that are repetitive and easy to sing. Easy interval jumps lead to ease of singing even without accompaniment. It's a tune that could be used within different thematic situations including Spring, flowers, family. Being a movie, television series, book and having the song leads to a very versatile way to implement within a group. There are excerpts of the audio book easily found that could be shared as well.
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